What were you able to “take with you” from your internship experience at A-CAPP to your current role post-graduation?

Michigan State University, Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with a minor in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Class of 2017
Senior Product Protection Analyst at Takeda Pharmaceuticals
One of the skills I was able to “take with me” from my internship experience at A-CAPP to my current role after graduation was the ability to view brand protection as a multifaceted issue, that can not be solved with one solution. Instead, you need to take a holistic approach to include online monitoring, offline action, anti-counterfeiting technology, and IP protection. Leaving this internship, I’ve discovered new ideas on how to show the return on investment for brand protection programs and ideas for relating it to patient safety. My internship was very helpful in expanding my knowledge in brand protection

Michigan State University, Criminal Justice Class of 2021
Brand Protection Investigator, Ford Motor Company
Prior to becoming a part of the A-CAPP team, I did not have much knowledge on brand protection and anti-counterfeiting. However, through my internship experience, my eyes had been opened to an entirely new world. I will be taking freshly developed skills, as well as many reliable connections, into my current post-graduation role. A-CAPP has given me the opportunity to expand on my critical thinking, analytical, and written skills, all while having fun doing it!

Michigan State University, Criminal Justice Class of 2021
Case Management Client Manager, Corsearch Inc.
I think that A-CAPP has allowed me to develop as a self-motivated and independent worker. We were able to work on what we needed to at our own pace without constant overhead supervision. This approach to learning forced me to do what needs to be done without handholding by our supervisors. These are tremendous skills to acquire because it is a more realistic work environment. A-CAPP has connected me with so many high-level individuals at the top of the brand protection game through our weekly roundtable discussions. Without those connections I never would have landed my new post-graduate position. I had the honor of collaborating with the two other Maher Scholars, which allowed me to hone my teamwork skills. A-CAPP has done so much more for me than I can ever thank. This internship was truly career and life changing.
And almost there…
What were you able to “take with you” from your internship experience at A-CAPP to your current workplace internship?

Michigan State University College of Law ‘22
Law Clerk, Revision Legal
The A-CAPP Center has provided me with meaningful skills and experience in hunting for counterfeit products in the online space. During my several semesters at the Center, I was privileged to manage product take-down efforts across multiple e-commerce sites. Now, in my roll as a Law Clerk with Revision Legal, I am able to assist senior attorneys in gathering evidence of trademark infringement by identifying, documenting, and analyzing counterfeit and infringing offerings in order to protect our clients’ intellectual property rights. As I transition to other opportunities, I will take with me the excitement and dedication that I have developed in the fight against counterfeits.