Trademark & Customs Registrations for SMEs

In the September 2021 edition of the BPP, we asked Small and Medium Enterprises six questions on their brand protection programs, specifically on trademark registrations.* From the responses, we identified a need to broadcast some help for SMEs in the form of the National Intellectual Property Rights Center — IP Protect Program. Here you can find out some of the basics on how to register your trademark and how to seek help with enforcement issues, among other forms of assistance.


are the backbone to the economy and protection of their IP is essential!

*The results, though “small” in number are revealing: Unique trademark filings ranged from 1-3; 2 of the 3 SME respondents had not registered those trademarks with U.S. Customs; 2 of 3 had not increased their TM filings in the year; budgets dedicated for brand protection ranged from 0% to 5%. SME respondents were from apparel/footwear/fashion, services and electric heating systems. Note: there were eight total respondents but five did not consider themselves SMEs.

we look to gain insight on the links between illicit crime and counterfeiting.